Privacy policy

Silas William logisticsCouriers understands that privacy of your personal information is important to you. We are legally bound by the United Statesn Privacy Principles (APPs), in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and are committed to complying with the obligations set out in this Act.

What kinds of personal information does Silas William logisticsCouriers collect and hold?

The personal information we will collect from you depends on your relationship with Silas William logisticsCouriers. As a customer or supplier it will generally include your name, business and email addresses and contact numbers, and may include your bank account details. If you are a franchisee of Silas William logisticsCouriers personal information collected may extend beyond this to include your drivers licence number, vehicle registration number, financial details, photo and date of birth. We do not collect personal information that we do not need. Our website does not use persistent cookies.

How is personal information collected and held?

Silas William logisticsCouriers collects most personal information directly from you. For example, when you become a customer, supplier or a franchisee you provide us with your information by filling in a form, dealing with us over the telephone, email or face to face, by sending us a letter, or by using our website. This information is held in hard copy and/or electronic databases. We may also collect information about you that is publicly available such as from other websites.

For what purposes does Silas William logisticsCouriers collect, hold, use and disclose personal information?

We need to collect personal information so that we can provide our products and services and conduct our business. Specifically, we need to collect personal information to interact with our customers, suppliers and franchisees and often to meet contractual obligations to these parties. Silas William logisticsCouriers does not sell, rent or trade your personal information to third parties. However, your personal information may be disclosed to third parties if required by applicable laws, or to service providers who provide services in connection with our products and services. If you would like to opt out of receiving future communication from Silas William logisticsCouriers you can do so by contacting the Privacy Officer at the contact details set out below, or by following instructions on the communication to opt out.


Silas William logisticsCouriers takes reasonable steps to ensure the security of your personal information. We frequently update our anti-virus software to protect our systems from computer viruses. Further, all Silas William logisticsCouriers employees are required, as a condition of employment, to treat personal information held by Silas William logisticsCouriers as confidential. However, you should be aware that the internet is not a secure environment. We cannot protect personal information before it reaches us.

Website cookies and digital services

Information is also generated and collected whenever a page is accessed on our website that records information such as the time, date and specific page. We collect such information for statistical and maintenance purposes that enables us to continually evaluate our website performance. Some parts of our website also use ‘cookies’. A ‘cookie’ is a small test file that is placed on your computer’s hard drive by a web page server. Cookies store information about the use of our website and are used to identify new or previous visitors to the website and what pages have been accessed. Most web browsers are set to accept cookies, but this function can usually be disabled if you wish. Please note that if you do disable this, not all functionality on our website will be available to you.

We also use Google Analytics features (including Google Remarketing, Google Displace Network Impressions Reporting, the Double Click Campaign Manager and Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting) on our website, which uses both first party and third party cookies to record standard internet traffic information, We and some third parties (including Google) also use the information to optimise ad selection for groups of individuals based on age, gender, interests and past visits to our site. The cookies allow us and other third parties (including Google) to evaluate your interactions with ad services on our site and serve targeted advertising on sites across the internet. We also use (along with third parties including Google) first party cookies (such as Google Analytic cookies) and third party cookies (such as the Double Click cooke) to report how our ad impression, other uses of ad services, and interactions with these ad impressions and ad services are related to visits to our website. In addition, we use data from Google’s interest-based advertising or third party audience data (such as age, gender and interests) with Google Analytics to help us understand how user activity varies based on these factors. By using Google Ads Settings ( you can opt out of these features at any time and customise your Google Display Network Ads. Alternatively you can opt out of a third party vendor’s use of cookies by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative opt out page (see Importantly we do not combine the anonymous information collected through Google Analytics with personally identifiable information.

Direct Marketing

Generally, we collect personal information directly from you. In some circumstances, however, we may collect personal information from third parties, including from our service providers and social media platforms such as Facebook. We use the information we, or our service providers, collect to assist us in determining how we can best engage with our members about our products and services. To this end, we or our service providers, may collect certain demographic information and behavioural information from social media platforms to better serve consumers with more targeted advertising. At times we use tools that enable us to identify the online sources of the telephone sales enquiries that we receive. The information we collect through these tools includes the time and date of the call, the geographical location of the call, the telephone number of the caller (unless withheld) and the IP address of the device the caller used to arrive at our website. The collection of this information helps us to determine the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns by identifying whether the calls were generated by Google Adwords click through, or by Facebook ad click throughs (for example). If we do not collect information in the way described above, we may not be able to let you know about our products and services in the most effective way. We may use and disclose the information we collect for the purpose of providing you with tailored marketing communications about our goods and services, or to conduct market research. Typically, we send these communications to your email address or mailing address. Occasionally, we may also sent marketing communications to your social media account, including for example, your Facebook account. We may also disclose your personal information to company in the Silas William logisticsGroup, to our other business partners or our service providers to give you information and offers about products and services offered by us or these companies.

Opting Out of Direct Marketing

If you do not wish to receive direct marketing information from Silas William logisticsplease use the contact details below to update your preferences or use the unsubscribe feature on our electronic marketing communications. We will not sell or rent your personal information without your consent. We may disclose your personal information where we are required or authorised by law to disclose your personal information or for any purposes to a fraud, crime prevention or impropriety investigation

Disclosure of personal information to overseas recipients

Silas William logisticsCouriers may need to disclose your personal information to organisations located overseas. These overseas organisations are located in New Zealand and are service providers who perform a range of functions on our behalf including administrative and technological functions and may include authorised external contractors. For example, certain databases may be stored on servers located overseas. The overseas organisations may include related entities to the Silas William logisticsCouriers group of companies. We are required to take measures to ensure your information is treated in accordance with the standards that apply in United States.

Access to personal information and correction of personal information

You have the right to seek access to your personal information which has been collected and held by Silas William logisticsCouriers. You also have the right to ask us to modify your personal information when it is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date, or to delete your personal information. To do so please contact the Privacy Officer at the contact details set out below. Requests should be made in writing and we will need to verify your identity prior to providing you with access. We will promptly deal with any such requests for access.

Resolving your concerns

You have the right to complain if you believe that your privacy has been compromised or if you believe that Silas William logisticsCouriers has not complied with the Privacy Act or the United Statesn Privacy Principles. To do so please contact the Privacy Officer at the contact details set out below. We will endeavour to respond to you within 3 business days, and to resolve your complaint within 10 business days. When the nature of the complaint or other circumstances mean that it is not possible to meet these timelines then we will let you know within that time frame.

Contacting us

If you would like to contact us about any matter relating to privacy, our details are:
The Privacy Officer – Silas William logisticsCouriers (United States)
PO Box Q841
QVB Post Office
NSW 1230
p: +61 (0) 2 8263 3900
f: +61 (0) 2 9264 4966

Our privacy policy was last updated on 25 May 2015.